A Private Do Not buy from list

Monday, December 29, 2008



MI Zombie said...

How about list of the most stupidest Etsy Admin?

December 30, 2008 at 7:13:00 PM EST
Papercherries said...

I simply do not understand the collective outrage with even the idea of a DNBFL,
in the real world of brick and mortar people wont buy from a store for all types of reasons.
They dont like your name, they dont like the floor plan, prices to high, they are a Corp. Store, they gave money to __________!

Whenever-Whatever-and For whatever reason.

How many times have you heard "I wont shop at__________"

WHY , then why do people on Etsy think they are immune to that?

You bet your ass there are people I wont buy from on & off Etsy for my own personal reasons.Not a lot on Etsy but yes I have a few.
And for all the people who say- "Oh I would never do that" please, if you spend anytime in the forums at all then their is someone you wont buy from for your own reasons!

You just are smart enough not to say so in the Forums.

July 8, 2009 at 1:54:00 PM EDT